Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Oh, to be 29!

Well, yesterday marked the beginning of the end of my twenties! I’ve always thought that as you approach 30, you’re supposed to have some kind of early mid-life-crisis or something. Not so for me. I have several friends who are 30 and older (you know who you are!) who have made getting older look so good! They seem so much wiser, and more mature…more patient too. While I (honestly!) am looking forward to being 30, I still plan to fully enjoy being 29 (which I hear can sometimes last for several years)!

So, how did I spend my birthday? I got my carpets cleaned. Exciting, I know. I then tried to convince my family that all I wanted for my birthday was for us all to clean the baseboards and shutters. I mean really, what could be better to any stay-at-home mom than to have clean carpets, and freshly scrubbed baseboards and shutters? They didn’t buy it, so I guess I’ll save that project for another day.

A very sweet friend stopped by with a lovely cake from Whole Foods complete with candied roses and a white chocolate flower, so yummy! My dad stopped by later with a bottle of 1979 bordeaux (so much better than my $10 grocery store wines!) My wonderful husband brought me some beautiful orange tulips and a delicious sushi dinner from our favorite place. Abigail gave me a pillow that she made in her sewing class, which she had been hiding in her daddy’s trunk for about a month! Anna gave me lots of hugs and kisses, and was the first one to wake me up to wish me a happy birthday...and a happy one it was!


Krista Sanders said...

Oh my gosh-- I had no idea you weren't 30 yet!! This explains a lot. ; ) (Just kidding-- your flawless skin mainly!)
I wonder if we got the same little pillow...............