Sunday, February 17, 2008

In the eyes of the beholder....

All day on Valentine’s Day, my little Anna was just as sweet as could be. She showered me with compliments and kisses, telling me over and over, “Mommy, you’re so pretty!” The next morning, David walked by the girls’ room and heard them talking. He heard Anna say, “Abby, let’s go see our mommy. She’s so pretty.” So Anna comes and crawls into bed with me, snuggling and just being ridiculously sweet. She looks up at me, wipes a few hairs from my face, and says in the cutest little voice ever, “Mommy?” At this point, she’s got me completely eating out of her hands. “Yes, Anna?” Looking into my eyes, in just as sweet of a voice, she says, “Mommy, you’re not as pretty today as you were yesterday.” What?? You mean I don’t look the same with messy hair, no make-up, no contacts, baggy eyes, etc? I was shocked. Not really, but I don’t think I’ve laughed that hard in a very long time!

(For those who may be wondering, I couldn't find my heart-shaped cookie cutter on Valentine's Day, so instead, I made the girls teapot-shaped french toast. And yes, that is a furry headband and dress-up outfit that she wore to breakfast. Not uncommon around here.)

And speaking of Valentine’s Day, here are a few pictures from our parties. Unfortunately, I put the wrong memory card in my camera and was only able to take a few.


Krista Sanders said...

Leave to the youngest one to say something like that!! Loved the pictures and the french toast! I'd love to get those from the V-day party!

Unknown said...

bear mouse totally looks like her mom in this picture...