Tuesday, October 21, 2008


I realize I have not posted in quite a while, so as not to disappoint my few faithful readers, I offer an explanation.  My camera battery charger is lost and I have not wanted to blog without pictures!  Because the afore mentioned charger seems to have no plans of showing up anytime soon, I thought I'd share a little bit of what we've been up to around here anyway.

One short week after my previous post, we started school.  I think this just may be our best year yet.  We have bee reading more than ever and I have been encouraged to spend lots more time outside - on nature walks and just plain playing.  Until lately, these nature walks have been something I knew I should do, but did not have the drive to actually do.  Now these walks (though not as frequent yet as I'd like) are quickly becoming my favorite part of the week. I love to see how free the girls are, to run and play, and to discover the wonder of God's creation.  Bugs, leaves, trees, flowers are all of a sudden exciting to them and I love to see the joy in the girls' faces as they discover new things!

Abigail got baptized on September 20th.  She had wanted to be baptized for some time, and after a talk with Pastor Jim, she knew what it meant ant that she was ready.  She learned that being baptized is like a funeral and a birthday. A funeral for her old man, and a birthday for her new man in Christ.

We went with David's mom and her husband to see The Promise in Glenrose.  If you can get past a few cheesy songs (think Gather) it is absolutely wonderful!  I was very impressed with how well done the play was, and both of my girls were mesmerized.  Anna, in particular, was struck by the play.  During intermission she and I were talking about all that had happened so far and she mentioned that she wanted to be just like Jesus and to not be "tricked" by the devil.  Then she said, "Let's pray, Mom."  I said okay and started to pray.  She quickly interrupted me and said, "No, Mom.  I want to pray."  With her hands clasped and eyes closed, she prayed, "Dear Lord.  Pleas let me and Mommy be like you.  Except we can't make stuff.  Amen."  (Meaning, we cannot create the world, etc.)  It was very hard for me not to laugh out loud!  I'm not quite sure the retelling here does this justice, but in the moment, it was pretty funny!

Another silly thing Anna said recently comes to mind.  We has shown the girls a world map, with the 10-40 window highlighted.  David as telling the girls that we were going to start praying for the countries in this window each night.  The next day as we were driving, Anna said that she knows the end of the world.  I asked her where.  She said the end of the world was Japan (as it appeared to be on the map from the night before).  I explained to her that the Lord made the world round, but that people had drawn it smaller, and flat, so that we could see all of it better.  She thought for a minute and said, "OH, I get it.  People only draw small circles, but God draws really big ones."  I love the way her little mind works!

The last thing that comes to mind for this very random post of mine happened today.  The girls and I have been reading about the impressionists, in light of the exhibit at the Kimbell Art Museum.  Today, after running a couple of "boring" errands, I told them that I had a surprise.  We were going to the Kimbell to see the actual paintings that we, until now, had only seen in books.  Even Anna was completely in awe of the art that surrounded her and thoroughly enjoyed listening to her recorded tour.  But I think my favorite moment of the day was when we walked around a corner and Abigail saw to her right "Rainy Day in Paris" and Van Gogh's "Room at Arles" straight ahead.  Her face completely lit up and she could not, for the life of her, decide which one she wanted to see first!  The girls loved every minute we were there and were disappointed when we came to the end.  (And in case anyone is wondering, she chose "Room at Arles" first!)

That concludes this hodge-podge of a post.  Hopefully my next one will not only come in a more timely manner, but will also include pictures and be slightly more organized!!

Oh, one last thing.  Gene Stratton-Porter is my current favorite fictional author.  I'm on my third book of hers and can't wait to start my next!


Crystal said...

you'll be happy to hear that I have returned, triumphantly, to blogland!

Frugal Jen said...

I am glad you had a new post! I always enjoy your insights and wonderful stories. You have a wonderful family!

Tori said...

I love what you wrote about Abby's prayer. "Except we can't make stuff." How priceless!

Crystal said...

tag your it!
Check out my blog for the rules of the game ;)

Krista Sanders said...

Didn't comment when I read this-- but wanted you to know I am missing your posts!
Loved all that you included in this one!